42KM @ 42, Cebu City Marathon 2023 is my comeback run after three years.
This makes the hype for runners who wants to be on the road again after the pandemic plus an exciting experience of running along CCLEX. This is my 7th Marathon but it feels like a newbie again. I have 3 months to train but I can’t find time to do it. All I’m doing was maintenance walk for 8-10 kms only.

Cebu City Marathon 2023 | Cebu-Cordova Link EXpressway (CCLEX)
In December, I’m planning to take the training seriously. Unfortunately, the odds are against me. Too many occasions, from fiesta to birthday celebrations, then reunions plus drinking sessions, who would concentrate on the training plans? I have only ran 5 long runs with a pace of 10min/km.
I am a bit worried to the point of thinking that I made a mistake registering on the 42Km category. In September, I am confident that 3 months of training can be enough for the feat. But with a very relaxed mood to the point of more lying in bed than rising up for a run, that confidence turned into worries. I have no choice but to play it safe, run slowly and steadily. I even think of just riding the bus if I will be swept.
Days before the run, I am frequently checking the weather forecast. Though I am doing heat trainings (just with my long runs because of waking up late in the morning), I am just preparing for a sunny morning run at the bridge. With the gun start at 3am, it is better for me to at least do a little bit of running under the sun because I know that I will finish the race on the 7th but before the 8th hour. I am glad that on the weather forecast, it’s showers. I remember a run in 2016 where a downpour was happening and we were literally dripping while running.
As the event comes closer, we are hoping that the gun start will change from 3am to 12mn. Contrary to our expectation, the Cebu City Marathon 2023 organizer posted in their FBPage a cut-off at the Cordova U-turn. We should be on the 24.5km before 6:10am or we should be running the 24.5kms for only 4 hours and 10 minutes. Comments and objections are pouring, then eventually they took out the post and replaced it with a new one reflecting splits. Fair enough, the time allotted for each splits are way better. Sadly, the starting time remains at 2am.
During the race kit claiming, it’s so surprising to know that we are 9000++ participants. Of which, 2000 are running the full marathon. Amazing! A feeling of relief thinking that not all are fast runners. There are others with same pace as mine. Certainly, there is no pressure to run faster.
A day before the run, I am meeting my college classmates who are also running. It’s like a reunion run. We are laughing while visiting Watsons Stores because we’re buying liniment sprays, band aid and other stuff for the run. Unprepared with the training, but prepared for the race route.
The game plan for the run is we have to sleep at least 4 hours. Refresh and eat eggs for midnight lunch. Not to forget the flat-lay of our OOTD. So exciting that we did not even slept at all.
At 1am, we are in a taxi going to the race area. Since SRP is already close, we change routes passing thru Carbon area. Upon reaching the bridge to Mambaling, traffic starts to build. We are only 30 minutes before the gun start. A decision to walk the almost 2km way, sort of warm-up already with still enough time.
The race starts at exactly 2am. With almost 2000 participants, our first 16km route will be out of SRP going to the city and back. The rain starts at my 12th kilometer. We will be starting our SRP journey from the 17th kilometer. A full Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway (CCLEx) route with U-turn at Cordova then head back to SRP. Surprisingly, we need to do our last 8kms at SRP with full Il Corso bay area route.
Since it’s my comeback run and I don’t have enough training, my plan is to just take it slow. Amazingly, my pace is faster than when I am training months ago. Maybe the factor is that the weather is colder and windy. There are also more hydration stations. Thankful for it but I am looking forward for a station with sports drink, unfortunately, only 2 stations have Pocari. Definitely not a problem on my part because I am bringing ORESOL for my consumption.
I am doing 7kms in an hour making my first half with just only 3 hours. Honestly, there’s no problem for me doing the ascent to the bridge, I just manage to walk faster. Taking advantage also the descent, I am running steadily with my normal pace to preserve energy. Showers continues making the roads wet. My shoes are also getting wet, I am just eyeing on routes with lesser water.
At the Cordova U-turn, I am thankful to the Pandesal from the hydration station. At least we have something for our hungry stomach. While running back to the bridge, frequently been doing the galloway move, run walk run walk. I am just amazed that I can’t feel any sore on my legs. It maybe because I am spraying it with liniment plus I am also taking my ORESOL.
Oh, thanks also to the running photographers who are most willing to take photos on us. Photographers are doing amazing jobs, they’re making the runners alive and kicking. Those who cannot run anymore, can run in front of the pitiks.
At 34km, I am just walking together with other participants. Though I can run, I choose to walk with them. Calculating the time with just walking, we can reach the finish line an hour earlier. I even buy a Coke Sakto at one of the stores at Il Corso. So far, that coke is really thirst quenching. The only cold drink I have for the entire route.
My clock time / gun time is at 7:00:14 while my chip time is at 6:57:49. Not bad for a feeling newbie. LOL
I am running with my BFF Feby. She run so fast with gun time of 5:07. We are 7 doing the registration but only the 2 of us pushed-through.
I am thankful to God for the strength and endurance with training for only 4 hours the longest. It is a blessing to have finished the race without any injury. I still have the strength to walk straight. Though there are slight muscle pains but it is manageable to the point that I can still climb up and down the stairs.
I just hope that this is just the beginning. Looking forward to more running events after pandemic.

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