run united


Run United is one of the annual running events that everyone, whether he’s a runner or not, is waiting for. At the beginning of the year, everybody is looking forward to run and collect the three medals of Run United Runrio Trilogy. Registration opens as early as first quarter. Runners are also free to choose whether to register the entire trilogy or just the single run. Run United 2 caters 32Km, 21Km, 10Km and 5Km distances.

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the official race map for 21km distance

Runrio is known to organize not just the Runrio Trilogy for Run United but also to some prestigious running events like Gatorade and Milo. The organizer also has commendable track records of efficiently organizing such running event. From the race route and hydrations to the freebies (singlet, finisher shirt, medal and loot bag), careful planning when it comes to design and quality is well important to them for the satisfaction of their participants.

This is my first ever running participation on Runrio events and I want to witness myself how is it at their actual event. Actually this is my second half marathon run, the first one is with NatGeo Earth Day Run 2016.

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with my very own second medal
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while stretching and cooling down

Not much of training, Bingkat and I are joining the run on June 5, 2016. This time it is already the second leg. At first, we both want to register at the Afroman distance of 32Km. Unfortunately, the Afroman distance is already sold out too early so we are able to register at the 21km Half Marathon distance only. Still we are happy to have a slot at the half marathon distance.

June 5, 2016

Gun start will be at exactly 4am so we are already at the venue as early as 3:30am. Now I am already familiar with the normal routines and the scenes at the venue. I am no longer surprised.

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selfie with Bingkat before gun start

The usual game plan, we are to run individually. I know my pace is slower than of Bingkat. I just let myself enjoy the race. Along the course, I already know what to do. The only thing new to me is the route. It is my first to run MOA/Buendia area. I am happy that it’s on flat grounds.

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selfie at the last 2km marker

Reaching back to MOA grounds, I feel like I am running my farthest 1km. The finish line’s location is on the other side of the road that literally we will have to make a U-turn at 500 meters. I am seeing Bingkat ahead of me. Running behind her, I want to catch her up; I cannot do sprints, as I am already tired. I just run my way just following her.

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successfully crossing the finish line

We both reach the finish line with only few minutes’ difference. A day before, I am asking Feby to welcome us at the race ground and we are really happy to see her. I am convincing her to run the next races too.

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with Feby, we are finishers

After claiming our loot bags, we walk back to the parking lot to freshen up. Philamer is already at Gerry’s grill waiting for us.

Overall, I am happy to finish the race free from injury. I am able to enjoy the route and love more this activity. Now I am feeling healthy and active due to running. I cannot say that it’s already a passion but I think it is getting there. Wearing my finisher shirt and medals makes me want to run again. Cheers to more runs.

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actual distance tracker using Nike+ Run App
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pose at the finish line
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partner batman socks on the road
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at the race village
run united
rest rest rest

Location: SM MOA Running Grounds

Run Date: June 5, 2016

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I love to travel, I love to see different places, experience different cultures and turn strangers into friends. Travel is my life, travel is my passion!

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