Fun Run, Run for a Cause, Half Marathon, Full Marathon, Ultra Marathon or any run-related activity as we may call it, running is becoming a hype nowadays. Several organizers are becoming famous depending on the running event and the services they are offering to their participants. Anyone can run any distance they want but not with The Bull Runner (TBR).

Before you run for TBR, you must meet the very basic requirement: it should be your first or second full marathon activity. Failure to meet the criteria means denial from entry to the list of runners. TBR mainly caters to aspiring marathoners. While it is true that you can train on your own and run a marathon, TBR is carefully planned to really prepare a runner not just to run a marathon but also to enjoy the road while running.
Training package of TBR includes a training plan for 22 weeks. The training plan assumes that you are really a beginner when it comes to running. It also includes a Bull Circle and Bull Sessions. Bull Circle means talks on important running-related topics while Bull Sessions are actual running sessions with TBR Coaches.
Topics during Bull Circle include that of the usual FAQs of a runner. Speakers are carefully chosen, those that really are well experienced to talk about anything from the choice of shoes, proper hydration and diet, tips to run a marathon and the very basic things to prepare you for a marathon.
Reliable fitness coaches also lead every Bull Session schedules. It is important to attend to this actual running session to basically know the discipline while on the road. Some sessions also emphasize the proper warm-up and cool-down exercises to execute. There are several running clinics offering personalized coaching yet the sessions with TBR can suffice those trainings you need for the marathon.
There’s a lot to learn from them that is why TBR’s tagline says, “You will not forget your first.”

Here’s my story…
I am not having this craze in running until I my friends invite me on a hiking event. It’s such a very tiring activity I know. Actually I am wondering how my lady friends manage to stay chill on the hike while I am really exhausted. My first climb at Pico de Loro is a remarkable experience yet it draws a lot of questions at the back of my mind to do it again. The second climb is a year after at Mt. Maculot with Bingkat and Elvin. The funny thing is, I already unload all my things to them including my camera and that literally I am just carrying my water. Still it’s exhausting on my part. That’s when I popped the question, “How are you able to sustain your energy on every climb?” And Bingkat simply answers me, “You do running.”
I give it a second thought of really doing it until Team Home Buddies come to existence. Mia, Maan and Bing invite me to run the NatGeo Earth Day Run 2016 in April 2016. Oh I thought of doing 5Km distance only yet all of them including Elvin will be running the 21Km distance. Thankful for their support, we all will be doing the 21Km. Maan is sending me training plan for me to run the distance and it really helps. That’s the start of my running spirit.
My running experience then only includes the following events:
- NatGeo Earth Day Run 21Km – April 17, 2016
- Run United Leg 2 21Km – June 6, 2016
- Runfest 21Km – July 17, 2016
Comes August 2016, Bingkat is telling me that she and Mia will be joining the TBR. I don’t have any idea on what that means. When Bingkat invites me to register, I have second thoughts since the farthest distance I have been running is 21Km only. I still have doubts to myself if I can sustain the 42Km distance. Not so much of convincing and the mere fact that I have companions on this run, I just say YES to the invitation. In the first place, this full marathon is not really in my bucket list and I will just be putting it this time.

On August 9, 2016, I send my application to run a marathon with TBR and Macel sends me a confirmation two days after. Upon receiving the confirmation, it includes an instruction of when and how to pay. They are limiting the participants to 800 runners only and the slots are on a first come, first serve basis so I immediately send my payment on August 17, 2016.
Upon getting my confirmation, I am also setting up a personalized marathon-training plan with my Nike+ Run Club application in my phone so I can start my own training. I am also targeting to run the Condura Skyway Run for a Hero Full Marathon that is usually two weeks ahead of TBR. With this, I am literally starting my training as early as last week of August 2016.
Along with my training plan I am also joining running events. Actually, I am not literally following the first weeks of my training plan because I feel that it is for beginners (like zero running experience) only. Since I am already running several half marathons, I am just pegging my training schedules according to the plan and ran with an additional distance as per requirement.

On September 20, 2016 I finally have my Official TBR Training and Welcome Kit. It really excites me to be training my first marathon. It is exciting to receive the welcome kit yet it’s also sad to know that Bingkat is no longer running due to her on-going pregnancy.
While reading the training kit, I have the same impression as my Nike+ App first few weeks of training. The difference is like with my Nike+ App, I am training for 26 weeks whereas TBR training plan only have 22 weeks duration. The bonus of training with TBR is having Bull Circles and Bull Sessions. This serves as additional learning inputs for every aspiring marathoner.
I am really serious in adhering to my training schedules. Though I have shortcomings of not attending to Bull Sessions and just few attendances to Bull Circles, I am thankful to my batch mates on sharing the topics at our Facebook group page. But on my part, I guarantee that the training requirements and schedules are met and done.
As my training progresses, it is now requiring long distance running. The very good thing is that almost every week there are running events. So for me to enjoy my training while earning medals, I am joining the events. It really helps a lot, not just being comfortable with my pace but also being at ease on enjoying the road.
Even with my December 2016 vacation in the province, I also do several long distance running. The best part of it, I have spread my running virus to my friends. Though I am only running short distances when I am with them, what’s good is that I keep moving with my training schedules.
I also get the discipline of sometimes (yeah just sometimes) saying NO to alcohol. Living a healthy lifestyle is now my advocacy (oh yeah). My friends are also impressed on my transformation. I really can’t deny that really lose while on training. Given the fact that diet is not on my list. I eat a lot and I am eating anything. This maybe a driving factor for my friends to do running too.

Believe me, with my drive to being serious on my training, I ran the following (after my application with TBR):
- Pinoy Fitness Kasama Run 16Km – August 15, 2016
- Sofitel Manila Half Marathon 21KM – August 21, 2016
- UNICEF Heroes for Children 21Km – September 4, 2016
- Run United Leg 3 21Km – October 2, 2016
- On Your Mark Leg 3 25Km – October 23, 2016
- New Balance Power Run 25Km – November 6, 2016
- Pinoy Fitness Challenge Sub 2:30 21Km – November 13, 2016
- Gatorade Run 22Km – November 27, 2016
- Resolution Run 37Km – January 22, 2017
In addition to these running events, I am also joining one virtual running activity. To our advantage, we have a choice of including the Resolution Run 34Km or our actual TBR 42Km since the running period is stretching from January 22 to February 19, 2017. We are only given 21 consecutive days to complete our 100Km distance out of the 30-day period and I choose to do mine from January 30 – February 19. Before our actual TBR Marathon, I already accumulate 60Kms just right to add my TBR distance to complete the 100Km requirement.
Sad to say that after Mia and I ran the Gatorade Run in November 2016, Mia finally decides not to continue with TBR. It for health reasons so who am I to contest? I am now alone in this quest.
February 19, 2017
Here comes the big day. I am not bringing my car at the race venue so I opt for a van service. Arriving at Nuvali, Sta. Rosa, Laguna at 12:30am, I still have time to claim my race kit at the venue.
As per schedule, assembly is at 1am and gun start is at 2am. We are thinking that this might be a rainy running event since it rains in Nuvali a day before. While the organizers are preparing for this big event, Jaymie is also updating us on the weather forecast and she also confirms that rain or shine, the event will push through. It will not be an issue for me because I already have an experience running on heavy rain during the Pinoy Fitness Kasama Run in August 2016. The only drawback is the weight of the shoes, other than that; it is refreshing to run under the rain.

At the venue, Jaymie Pizzaro is busy with her team. While claiming my race kit, I am thinking of asking her one photo souvenir so when I’m done, I immediately approach her for one. Thanks that despite of her being busy, she graces me my request.

Nearing 1am and the runners are slowly filling up the race venue. There are areas also for the personal cheerers and at the race village; there are ushers and usherettes offering materials for personal banners. Sad for me, no one will be making any since I don’t have a welcome party. Sponsor’s booths are also open to cater everyone. Adding to the excitement is our TBR Official Song “Can’t Stop The Feeling” continuously playing.
My running friends are now coming in. My teammates in their team uniform are also busy with their stuff. I am just wearing my usual orange Nike singlet for this event. Done with myself, I left my bag at the baggage counter.
30 minutes before gun start, they are now accepting runners for check-in. Those who opt to check-in cannot go out anymore so I am not in a hurry also to go there. Having enough time, I am joining Gerard and Doc Honey for their warm-up exercises. When done, we go back to the race village to meet Paulo. We also have the chance for a photo opportunity at the Sunlife booth while still fresh.

Few minutes before the gun start, they get the program rolling. Starting with a prayer, welcome talk and some announcements. That time, I already join the runners at the gun start area. This is the kind of run that you will not feel any competition among runners. Everyone is cheering each other. This is also a nationwide event as I am seeing other group of runners on their uniforms bearing the name of their place.
Seconds before the final hour, we are set to go. We are hearing the drone flying above us taking video footages. The cheers from the organizers and wishers are also loud enough for us to keep the spirit and ran the distance. At exactly 2am, the timer starts ticking.
At first, I am with Doc Honey and Gerard. Paulo is already ahead of us. My plan is to run the distance on slow pace, I am not catching the faster pace of Doc Honey and Gerard. I am just right behind them until Km3. When I am at about Km5, Adrian is with me. That’s when I start to have a buddy to run all the way across the finish line.
Along the way, the dream chasers really play a great role to us. They keep us alive and enthusiastic. Their cheers really keep us moving and they are also handing us food and energy gels.
Our hydration stations are also generous. They both serve water and Gatorade. Aside from the drinks, more chocolates, bananas and even energy gels are free flowing. This kind of running event lets you just enjoy the route without even worrying on food and hydration.

Recalling the day when I attended the Bull Circle seems like there are lots of participants in TBR. At the actual event itself, we are even more than the attendance at Bull Circles and Sessions. Most likely the reason is some of the runners are from the provinces and just fly to Nuvali to run the event.
Nuvali is the favorite venue of TBR. One may say that it is far from the Metro and one may be spending hotels nearby before the run. Also the drawback on the TBR route is the rolling hills so everybody must expect it to be somewhat exhausting. In preparation for TBR, one must train running on up and down terrain. In fairness to TBR organizers, they also include Bull Sessions at Nuvali running the actual route. For runners attending the Session, they are now familiar with the terrain.
On the plus side and my two cents on the venue, Nuvali is perfect for TBR. First, we are first and second timers to run a marathon. Second, Nuvali is a private and exclusive subdivision, so it only means their streets are a lot safer than at any City. Third, most of the marathons in the metro have limited time when it comes to road closures so runners are just given a maximum of 7 hours to finish the race while with TBR in Nuvali, we have 9 hours to finish the distance. Lastly, Nuvali’s temperature is perfect, just cool enough not to exhaust a lot of energy while running. I may say it is a wise choice of location.

By the way, I have never attended Bull Sessions at Nuvali so basically I don’t have any idea on the route. Lucky for me, I am one of the runners of the Resolution Run a month before TBR. The very good thing too, we are to run a distance of 30Km LSD, perfect timing for the Reso Run 34Km. Our route includes that of the TBR so I am getting familiar too with Nuvali.
On the actual run, I am no longer worried as I know exactly how Nuvali works. That’s the reason I have to stay at my slow pace just to sustain running up to the finish line. What I am doing at the route is, I am just enjoying myself with the view. I am also cheering my friends and we have such a good talk with Aid while running.
Oh by the way, I love the band doing at the T-section of the route. It brings excitement to all of us plus a lot of dream chasers along the way, not just waiting at their tents yet there are some chasers on their vehicles cheering all of us on the road.
Mind you, it’s a surprise that we finished the first half without noticing it. The H-Loop is quite a puzzle but with the help of the chasers and markers, it will not confuse you. A tip to future runners too, at the H-Loop, there are plenty of running photographers so might as well prepare your best self.
The second loop is now quite a challenge. After exhausting half of our energy on the first one, we are again running the same route, the same up and down terrains and an even hotter temperature since it is already morning. I know we can still manage to run yet the game plan this time will be different. We are now more cautious as to how we are feeling. This time, we must be aware of what our body is telling us.

Still keeping our pace, we are now dealing with shorter running distance while inserting more walks in between. At the mark of KM29, Aid is telling me that he’s like feeling his leg injury. This time we are adjusting our pace, we are walking on uphill and a slow run on downhill. The real challenge is on the T-Section and we are happy to deal with it safely.
Running our way back from the T-section is now a chill pace. We know that this is more of a downhill and we are happy with that. Knowing that it is already past 7am, the cloudy weather is such a blessing though the temperature is hotter now. We just keep on going, keep on running, enjoying the cheers from the chasers, eating chips along the way, sipping fruit shakes, eating cookies, hotdogs, sandwiches; what more could we ask for?
At KM39 we are already hearing the race village. We really can’t stop the feeling that we are now nearing the end of the race. I am thinking that after this dare, I can call myself a marathoner.
Reaching Km40, I am seeing several dreamers running their way towards the finish line. For us, we are yet to conquer another round of the 2km H-Loop. Not a boring run along the H-Loop, more and more chasers are now into us. Even the visitors are cheering on us too. Food, supplements, jelly ace, salads, nuts, and its like a buffet of everything is in store for us along the way.

At the Km41 marker, photo opportunity is a must. I let Aid take a photo of me while I also take his. This time we are relaxed; we know that in a matter of minutes, it will be our moment to pose at the finish line. Just to regain back our energy, we savor the last kilometer by simply chatting with the chasers, responding to their cheers and shouting for our achievements. Anthony Pangilinan and Maricel Laxa are also there to chase and cheer the dreamers.
My final 100 meters is a bit dramatic though it is not evident to my face. I am excited to pose at the finish line yet I let Aid do it first. As I also notice that the next dreamer is quite distant to me, I can have the finish line to my own.

The best part of running the TBR, official photographers are really waiting for us at the finish line. Jaymie and the rest of the organizers are also there to cheer and congratulate us. They will let us savor the moment and pose our best at the finish line. It is like you have to let the achievement sink into you while having your moment at the finish line.

Actually, I am not and have not thought of any pose. I just let myself do whatever it is; anyway, the best pose is still the candid one.
After my moment at the finish line, I am now to receive my medal. That same feeling when I finished my first 21km 10 months ago is the same feeling when wearing my 42km medal. I just can’t explain the feeling. What I know is that I did it! I am now a certified marathoner. That smile of my face is with me all the time even though I have no welcome party waiting for me at the finish line.

Enough of my poses, I am now heading to the race village to get my loot bag and other freebies. I also get my bag at the baggage claim to refresh before having breakfast. Actually I am not hungry since I have enough along the route yet it is advisable and important to hydrate and eat right after every race to regain back the energy. Breakfast is free at the race village. I am reunited with my Teammates now laughing at our experiences along the route. When done eating, one pose for us and we parted ways.
I am right in choosing TBR to be my first marathon. Aside from the lessons learned from the Bull Circles and Sessions, the feeling that all runners are your friends and you are not competing with each other. You are there to tick off one event on your bucket list and it should be that remarkable.

With TBR, not only I become a certified marathoner but also I gain a lot of friends. I am thankful to Jaymie for keeping the passion burning and inspiring runners to conquer their first marathon. I don’t know if all of us will be running the road again for a marathon yet we are now capable of doing so because of TBR. Thinking of a repeat, I don’t think so. I may be attending the event as a dream chaser for me to inspire runners to finish the course because dream chasers help us a lot.
This is the end of my story on my first marathon but certainly this is not the end of my running activity. I want to conquer more distance and might venture into Ultra marathon. I also want to do trail running. With God’s grace, I can do this all.


Location: Nuvali, Sta. Rosa, Laguna
Run Date: February 19, 2017

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