Valugan Boulder Beach Batanes

BATANES… Amazing Valugan Boulder Beach

The tour continues…

When we got out of the tunnel, our service van was already waiting outside so we immediately hopped on and drove directly to our next destination which is the Valugan Boulder Beach.

the boulders at the beach
the boulders at the beach
this is Valugan Beach
this is Valugan Beach

Isn’t it amazing seeing this kind of beach that instead of having fine sand, they have this huge rocks? This really tells the name Boulder Beach.

photo bomber mode
photo bomber mode

It is one of a kind wherein huge rocks of different colors and shapes are in replacement of the usual fine beach sands. You may be wondering as to where do this stones come from, I myself asked this question.

the gang at the boulder beach
the gang at the boulder beach

It’s a long stretch of this kind of beach in the area. Swimming maybe allowed here, just be careful not to hit the strong waves that will drive you towards the stones. You can’t go farther also since there are selected water currents in the area.

what's in there?
what’s in there?

This is such another nice wonder of Batanes. When you search for things to do in Batanes, this Valugan Boulder Beach is one of the top 5 places to visit. It truly amazes me that having this smooth rounded shapes of rocks in multiple colors were really unusual, most of the beach rocks I’ve seen were those of sharp edges.

the jumpshot
the jumpshot

This beach is not really for swimming because when we get there, nobody was in the area. Maybe you can just go there for sun-bathing on top of the rocks or wander around it.

my pose at the beach
my pose at the beach

Oh well, it’s a nice place to be alone and enjoy the peaceful environment.

Been here: July 26, 2013

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I love to travel, I love to see different places, experience different cultures and turn strangers into friends. Travel is my life, travel is my passion!

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