Cusco Cathedral Peru

CUSCO… The Grand Cathedral of Cusco

From Koricancha, we go to Plaza de Armas (Main Square) to where the location of Cusco Cathedral. There are two other churches in the Plaza de Armas.

Iglesia de la Campania de Jesus – the rival church of the Cathedral

the rival Church of the Cathedral
the rival Church of the Cathedral

Iglesia del Triunfo – the first Catholic Church in Cusco

the Iglesia del Triunfu
the Iglesia del Triunfu

As per my guide, the exact location where the Cusco Cathedral is previously an Inca Palace. Construction Churches above the important Inca Temples are also part of destroying the Inca Religion.  The construction begin mid of 16th century and takes them almost a hundred years to finish.

the front of the Cathedral of Cusco
the front of the Cathedral of Cusco

The main door of the Cathedral will only be open when there is mass celebration. During the day, entrance to the Cathedral will be at the Temple of the Sagrada Familia on the left side and exit on the right at the Iglesia del Triunfo.

They strictly prohibits photography when inside Cusco Cathedral. It also houses many archaeological artifacts and relics of Cusco.

the main square of Cusco
the main square of Cusco

To describe, there are lots of the most valuable things inside. The paintings also reflects significant events that are happening in Cusco in the 17th century. Some of the artifacts are the Silver Altar, the Black Christ (we also have in the Philippines, the Black Nazarene) and many others.

The grand choir at the center of the Church is hardwood with the grand piano at the center of it. Too many nice display of precious artifacts, unfortunately, I cannot remember it all. What is in my mind, they showcase lots of beautiful artifacts.

the Temple of Sagrada Familia, also serves as the entrance for tourists at the Cathedral
the Temple of Sagrada Familia, also serves as the entrance for tourists at the Cathedral

Even though there are plenty of tourists when we get there, you’ll still feel its holiness. For me, the place is sacred, more people in the inside yet silence are still there. Sad to say I don’t get a chance of hearing the mass at the Cusco Cathedral because my schedule are so tight that I cannot be able to catch up to it. I will love to go back to Cusco; it is such a beautiful place.

Been here: August 12, 2015

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I love to travel, I love to see different places, experience different cultures and turn strangers into friends. Travel is my life, travel is my passion!

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