Tag Archives: PLAZA DE ARMAS

CUSCO… The Grand Cathedral of Cusco

From Koricancha, we go to Plaza de Armas (Main Square) to where the location of Cusco Cathedral. There are two other churches in the Plaza de Armas. Iglesia de la Campania de Jesus – the rival church of the Cathedral Iglesia del Triunfo – the first Catholic Church in Cusco As per my guide, the exact location where the Cusco Cathedral is previously an Inca Palace. Construction... continue

LIMA… Some Historical Buildings of Lima

When we arrived at the Main Square of Lima, I was mesmerized by the historical buildings around Plaza de Armas. It is said that when Pizarro built the city, it was in conformity to the order of the King of Spain with a specific dimension of the blocks and roads. Here are some of the important historical buildings around Plaza de Armas of Lima. The Government Palace (Palacio Gobierno) *In... continue